Saturday 23 March 2013

Interview questions

We are planning on showing our music video to a group of people to get audience feedback, here are some of the questions we are planning on asking them.

Do you understand the storyline?

What do you think about the transitions to black & white from colour?

Do you think it looks professional?

Would you see this on a music channel?

What do you think we could do differently if we do it again?

What do you believe the concept of the red balloon is?

Evaluation Plan

In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

For this question i have decided to answer by taking screen shots of existing media piece such as music videos and adverts that i have used in my research for this project. I plan to specifically look at the music video for Old Pine by Ben Howard as i feel this was a big influence for alot of the shots we used in our music video. I will also look at the digi paks for artists such as Mumford and Sons and demonstrate how and why we were influenced by these.

Old Pine- Ben Howard: Shots of nature/Beach scenes/Focus on one particular person throughout/Style of long and establishing shots.

No Hope- The Vaccines: Influenced by the black and white (Similar to Lana Del Rey music video)/narrative focus on one single person/style of vintage clothing

Noah & The Whale- Waiting for my chance to come- Influence from the switch of colour to black and white throughout music video/ nature theme

Developed forms and conventions by the theme. Beach theme throughout the whole project rather than just music video like existing media products.

Challenged form and conventions by the use of the red balloon. Unique iconic idea to tie whole project together and distinguish the artist. Girl character featured in music video and advert and digi pak for a male artist, this is not common in the genre we picked and therefore makes it more appealing to both male and female audience.

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?
To answer this question i plan to show a selected few our music video and record their responses to questions i have asked as well as each person giving their own view on the music video as a whole and any things they like or would improve. I will also show them the advert and digi pak and ask their opinions on the project as a whole.

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
For this question i will either download a software to recorn actions from my computer screen where i will demonstrate how we used certain technologies such as Instagram for editing picture, Photoshop for editing picture, Adobe premier for putting together the music video and After effects for adding the red balloon effect. If i am unable to get software to do this i plan on showing it via screen shots and a voice recording of myself explaining how we achieved each step.

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
We used the same main theme of the beach throughout. Same character in digi pak and advert images aswell as music video. Digi pak picture themes from instagram (Same colour scheme). Red balloon is evident throughout therefore it becomes iconic to the artist.