Thursday 11 April 2013

How effective is the combination of your main prodcut and ancillary texts?

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

For this project we decided on creating a music video, advert and digi pak for an artist we had made ourselves. As a group we chose to follow a project under the indie pop genre as we felt this was the type of music we all favoured most and were more familiar with. Our initial idea was to have a music video focusing around the theme of love. We picked a song we all liked and found a cover of it on youtube. This then led us to focus the main product which is our music video around a single female and her past relationship. We also wanted to give our project a unique twist and to challenge typical codes and conventions of the indie pop genre. We decided to do this by the use of the red balloon and felt during the construction of the music video it was such a successful and unique idea we would go on to use it as an iconic symbol of love throughout the ancillary texts as well. We also picked a beach location as the main setting of our music video, this was inspired from existing music videos that had focused around naturalistic environments such as Old Pine by Ben Howard. Again we found this setting to be so successful it would be an ideal theme to use throughout. We took pictures on the location scout of the music video location and these images turned out to be of such good quality we used them throughout our music video. We also took an image during filming of Catherine’s female character holding two red balloons. Surprisingly this picture was taken on a mobile phone but it turned out to be a perfect advert image and from digi pak cover. We decided it would make the piece link better with the music video by editing the red balloon and make it more of a vibrant red like the one in the music video. This meant that our music video, digi pak and advert were all focused around the red balloon and the beach setting giving it an over all theme that made the artist Elliot Guy recognisable for. We wanted each product to be successful alone but even better with the other products and I think this idea worked really well. We wanted to have each product following the same beach red balloon theme so when it came to the audience either watching the music video or seeing the digi pak it would then mean they would immediately begin to recognise the artist we made with the beach and the balloon.

We made the advert in particular to be the simplest piece as we only used one image and text. However because the image we used was almost a still of the music video and the same image used in the digi pak it meant when the audience looked at this advert they would automatically know what artist it belonged to. We also picked a font called Bookman Old Style for the typography we would use throughout any piece of text in the project. We didn’t want to make the advert in particular too over crowded with several different types of fonts so we decided it would look more professional just sticking to one font that fit with the genre we had picked. [EDITED TO ADD] As you can see the advert image and the from of the album is the same image. We thought this was needed as the advert was advertising the album and would be more recognisable to a viewer. However inorder to make the text that we included on the advert readbale and a focus of it we had to tone down the colouring of the image. This is the only difference between the who products but i think although the advert may not be as succesful as we had of liked it still works perfectly with the album by the use of the same image and focus on the red balloon which also links to the music video.

Because the music video was quite a personal piece that was something the audience could relate to and it would trigger emotion for we felt by making the rest of our products fitting to this theme it also gave them a personal and unique feel like telling a story and involving the audience with the feel of the beach that is often related to a calm feeling.

We also picked the INSTAGRAM ‘early-bird’ theme as an effect we would use throughout the whole digipak. This effect gave a warm and calm feel to the images and this also linked in with the coloured scenes of the music video, tying these two products together.

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