Wednesday 17 October 2012

Call Sheet

 Time to meet
 10am Saturday 3rd November
 Location to meet
 Durham train station
 Location for filming
 South Shields beach
 Location discription
 The location we have picked is a small beach in south shields. It is near a light house and some old ruins along with some amusements but they will be closed at the time of filming. We picked this beach because it looks pleasant and clean which will make the clips looks naturalistic and nice.
 Kelly Senior, Sarah Hewitt, Catherine Kirk and Ellie Snowball
 Catherine Kirk will be playing the female in our group. The music video will show her reminising about her past relationship as she walks along the beach.
 The only prop we are using in the music video is a red hellium balloon. We want this to feature frequently through the video aswell as in our album art and advert.
 Special instructions
 We will all need to dress in warm clothing as it is around winter. We will provide a towel for Catherine since she may have to go in the sea.  We will also need money for public transport to get there and back aswell as for any food or drink we may want.

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