Tuesday 9 October 2012


We all decided we wanted to go out with a camera and take some practise shots of the things we wanted to include in the final music video, it also helped us get a feel of using a camera again seen as though we hadn't filmed in while. Being able to get a look at some of the shots we want to include also helped us develop on our story board and make it easier for us to picture what each scene would be like. Here are some examples of the the simplier shots we used. Seen as though we wanted to focus our music video on body language and body movement we got some good close ups of the boy and girl holding hands and Catherines face which showed her emotion.  In the final shot that will be in the music video we will have Catherine looking out over the beach 

This extreme close up will be similar to the shot we use in the final piece, it effectively shows her emotion and links to the happy part of the scene, This will be used when the famale character is looking back at the happy times she spent with the male and the extreme close up of her smiling represents this effectively

We decided this was a good shot to use as it shows the intamcy and love between the couple and this will link well with the song. Seen as this is a reasonably close shot it makes the audience see how the couple are in love. As you can see the two characters are wearing the same bracelets, this again shows them being a couple.

This is another tester shot for our final piece. In the music video we are going to show the female character sitting on a bench (however we had to use a dining table as we did the practice shots in school) and this will represent how she is now alone. This shot will be in black and white giving the whole scene a mellow feel in comparison to the colour shots of the couple together.

When we did our research into the style of clothing and the style the characters that are usually featured in a indie pop msuic video we found that the female tend to wear quite old fashioned clothing so we thought it would be good to use this in our music video so it links to what is usually common in the genre we have picked.

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