Sunday 7 October 2012

Lana Del Rey - Blue Jeans analysis

I chose to look at the music video Blue Jeans by Lana Del Rey because it fits to the genre indie pop that we are looking at. I also chose to use this one to analyse because it uses not only black and white shots, which is the style we are wanting to include in various parts of our music video but it is also a song and a music video that focuses on love, which again is going to be the focus of the narrative we are wanting to include in our music video.

The main feel of this music video is quite cynical and dark, this is effective by the use of the black and white, however we are choosing to use black and white to give the opposite effect to what this video portrays as we are focusing on happiness and the good thoughts of looking back to a past relationship. The black and white gives the video a vintage old fashioned feel. This is something we want to include in ours giving it a mellow tone. 

The first shot shows us the moving water, this gives the video a link to nature which again is an influence we have when it comes to filming our own. The water shown signifies the couples over-powering love that is all around. Lana Del Rey is then in the shot and it gives the illusion of her dreaming, the style of blurry footage represents a figure of her imagination and how her love is confusing and giving her mixed signal. The screen then dips to black, this shows the change in the scene and goes on to introduce the second character. The male is shown with the use of a side shot, and it is clear that most of his face is in a dark light this could signify that he is a 'bad boy' and a dark character, this is reinforced by his dark clothing, tattoos and the fact the character is showing smoking giving a melancholy feel. The black and white effect of the light on his face portrays the sinister dark love he feels.
When we see the next shot showing Lana we can then see the contrast of the bright light that is reflecting on her face against the dark light the male character was shown in, this could be a link to good v evil and signify the difference between the two characters. The innocence of the bright light on Lana's face could suggest she loves him more and her over powering love in comparison to the dark love the male is feeling.
We can then see that the camera is shot by looking down onto Lana, this suggests she is feeling below everyone and feels less important making her seem vulnerable.
The extreme close up showing Lana's face emphasises her emotions and beautiful features, this being the typical thing for a female character, stereotypically attractive and innocent so everyone should love her.
We can then see a shot of Lana watching the male character as he undresses, alot of the focus is on his body movement and shows he is feeling relaxed. This again is a link back to good v evil, where as the male is shown in a blurred kind of shot and the female in a clear looking out at him, the glass she is looking through is the thing separating them and blocking out their love.

The next shot shows the male touching her but she is not touching him, this represents the fact he holds the authority and this is the first shot of the two being together, the male is positioned above her showing he is more important, The shot focuses mainly on their body language and intimacy which is what we are wanting to be the focus of our music video. As we see the male character diving into the water it links back to when we saw the shot of Lana's character at the bottom of the water, this could show the male is going to rescue her, typical hero of the story, saving the female and saving their love. The next shot goes straight to Lana and suggests that she is waiting for him to come and save her. Once she is out of the water she is positioned above him, low angle shot is used and she is in a bright light, her good character that is innocent and pure is now above the male character and is now in charge for the first time in the music video. 

A very long shot is then used to show Lana walking into the water, she is positioned in the middle of the shot making her the focus instead of the beautiful surroundings (This shot also links to nature which is going to be a main part of our music video). The fact that she is walking into the water and we can see the first shot of the crocodile it signifies that she walking to her death, representing the dangerous love. She is referring to the male who she loves as being a dangerous animal and is not safe for her and she is beginning to lose control in the relationship again. This is evident again when we see her sinking into the water, the male is over powering her and taking over again bringing her back to where she was at the beginning. 

As she is trying to escape and the crocodile is stopping her it link back again to her boyfriend who is not allowing her to be free and will always be stopping her from getting out, the crocodile represents the danger that is always around her. Her face is then above water which shows she is finally getting away from danger and is swimming to meet the male. The next shot shows the male which his whole face above the water where as hers is only half out, she is the weaker person and unable to be without him. When the camera then shows the two kissing and back to the crocodile it suggests what she is doing is dangerous and it is not true love. 

At the end of the music video a shot is used showing the couple and a bright light coming up from beneath the water, this represents the hope that something good is going to come, the two characters are both falling into the water and down to the light, they're going to a better place and the relationship is being saved. This is a typical happy ending to the narrative, this again is something we are wanting to use for ours as it fits well to the love story of the song and the narrative. 

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